Comrades, Family and Friends,
FYIDear Freedom Center Supporter,On July 17th, American Airlinesis coordinating asendoff celebration for WWII veterans participating in the Soaring Valor program organized by actor Gary Senise. Participants in the program will visit the WWII Museum in New Orleans.In support of this event, American Airlines has asked us to assist in the following ways:1. Invite veterans from all eras to participate in an enthusiastic receiving line as the WWII veterans participating in the program make their way to the gate for their flight.2. Ask our community if we know of a nostalgic "Andrews sisters" group that could entertain during the event.3. Identify WWII veterans who would be interested in participating in the Soaring Valor program next year.If you are able to assist in any of the above ways, please contact Crystal Barnes at American Airlines. She can be reached at (734)942-5109 or to serve,
Patrick Colbeck
MI Freedom Center, CEO
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