Thursday, May 16, 2019

2019 Michigan Legacy Run Update - April 18, 2019

TO: Zone, District, and Post Commanders

Greetings Commanders and Fellow Legionnaires,

It is time once again for our annual Legacy Run. If you are not familiar with the event, we would like you to be more informed and realize the reason we do it, what is done with the money raised and how you can help contribute to it being a success!

What is the event? The event is a 2 days ride (cars and motorcycles) that starts at a different American Legion Post each year and ends at the State Convention. This year's run starts in Trenton, winds around the bottom of the state and ends in Kalamazoo, with an overnight stay in New Buffalo.  It is run by a Committee and the host post-American Legion Riders. These groups are comprised of members from all three parts of the family across the state. Planning for this year's run started last August.

What is Done with the money raised? 100% of funds go to the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. Part of this package has information about the fund and how it is managed nationally by The American Legion. All personnel involved are 100% volunteer and all funds are given to the State Commander to present at the National Convention.

How YOU Can Help? Spread the word, be a cheerleader, motivate people to attend one of our stops (if able) or just hold a fundraiser for the cause. We are giving you this package to spread the word and information about the run to the posts within your respective areas. We have posts identified for us to stop at, rest and to raise money while we are there. We've included a rough itinerary with this package so you may see where we plan to stop and the rough time. The roads are just thawing, and we are working on our route maps and final Itinerary. These should be available in late May for download from the state website. You can also help by posting the flyer at the posts as well, this has the webpage information at the bottom. We would love to go to every corner of this great and vast state; however, we cannot do so and keep the event to 2 days.


Jerry "Mouse" Lundquist
Lead, 2019 Department of Michigan Legacy Run

American Legion Department of Michigan | 212 N. Verlinden Ave, Lansing, MI 48915
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