Legion releases centennial documentary
The prelude and episode 1 of the Legion-produced centennial documentary are on YouTube. |
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Legion commemorative coin sales off to a great start |
Centennial birthday celebrations everywhere |
Department of Connecticut gives centennial birthday gifts |
Centennial media toolkit available in multiple versions |
Post profile: Post 117, Viborg, S.D.
Chartered in 1919, members of Ole Alendal Post 117 bought a post home in 1940 for around $500. The building was used for 55 years, then sold. At that time, memorabilia formerly housed at the post was transferred to a local school's library, where it remains on permanent display. |
Centennial Collections spotlight: Centennial Moment archive
Moments in time over the Legion's first 100 years. |
Legacy & Vision/timeline spotlight:
March 28, 1934: Fierce lobbying stops massive cuts of the Economy Act, protecting veterans benefits. |
Centennial Workshop spotlight: 100 Years of Service Popup Display
A timeline of The American Legion's accomplishments and contributions, convenient for display in a post or public place.
March 26, 2019