Wednesday, February 20, 2019

One for every Veteran

American Legion Department of Michigan Pledges $1 for every Veteran in Michigan
...and YOU can help them reach their goal!
A note from the Director...
Every day, I have the pleasure of connecting great Americans with the opportunity to support Veterans and their families in a meaningful way. This weekend was no exception. 
Surrounded by our Veteran brethren at the American Legion Department of Michigan Winter Conference, the State Commander received an update on his special project.
They are almost half way toward their goal of donating $1 for every Michigan Veteran. 

Give a gift in tribute to Michigan Legionnaires by clicking below:

Need more info about Fisher Houses in Michigan?
Click here.
Thank you, and stay warm out there!
Kate Melcher
Executive Director, FHM
 Legionnaires presented $27,530 at Winter Conference in Flint, MI
To date, Michigan Legionnaires, Auxiliary Members, and Sons of the American Legion have donated over $250,000 toward their pledge of a dollar for every Veteran in the state. This is such a tremendous blessing, but now they can use YOUR help!
You do not have to be a member of the Legion to be part of their commitment to Veterans. Click HERE to be a part of their amazing gift! You can make a tribute gift to Michigan Legionnaires, and it will count toward their goal!
Pictured L-R: State Commander Steve Striggow, 17th Dist Commander Jeff Haeseker, David Babbage from Allen Park Post 409, Craig Tillman from Ford Motor Co Post 173, Mike Huber from Wyandotte Post 217, 1st District Commander Greg Spight, and Fisher House Michigan Board Member and Post 46 Service Officer Mark Lindke
Letter from Commander Steve Striggow, to the Legionnaires of Michigan
Dear Legionnaires,
My home post in Holly has long supported the Fisher House mission, but this spring, it all changed.
This spring, I had the privilege of standing on the grounds where Michigan's first Fisher House will soon stand to support the families of the Veterans who need treatment at the Ann Arbor VA. Being a part of the check presentation ceremony during which American Legion Post 46 in Ann Arbor decided to challenge the state to match their $100,000 gift, I felt an overwhelming desire to do more.
Michigan is the largest state in the nation without a Fisher House, and we Legionnaires must take the lead in changing that. I have decided to make Fisher House Michigan my special project for my term as State Commander, and I hope you will join me in making Fisher Houses in Ann Arbor and Detroit a reality.
You can be part of a lasting legacy for Michigan Legionnaires.  Let's join forces to do more for Fisher House Michigan. I challenge you to dig deep. There are 650,000 Veterans in the state of Michigan, and the least we can do is pledge a dollar for each of them for Fisher House!