Friday, December 21, 2018

Michigan American Legion - 2018 Lame Duck Wrap Up

The 2018 Lame-Duck Hang Over – How did the bills do?
By Mark Sutton, Legislative Director, Michigan American Legion

It is Friday December 21, 2018 and The American Legion Department of Michigan was keeping an eye on a few bills during this lame-duck session let’s see how things turned out.

Note: This is the end of the 2017-2018 legislative session any bill that was introduced and passed by both chambers by the end of last nights session, which ended at 0735 this morning is dead. However, a new legislative session begins January 1, 2019 for two years. Bills could be resurrected by a different legislator in the new session. We are forever mindful.

On to the bills:

HB 4985 and HB 4986 DEAD – These bills would eliminate the 100% disabled veteran property tax exemption and turn it into a Homestead Tax credit instead. The bills did pass through the House committee but did not receive a vote on the floor of the House. It is high likely that this issue will be resurrected in the next session.

HB 5913 –  PASSED A bill to include veterans service organizations that are 501 c 19’s to be exempt from sales tax on items they purchase for running their organizations.

SB 35 – PASSED Charitable gaming reform in favor of the non-profit organizations.

HB 4474 – PASSED – To allow national guard, active duty military, and reservists who are properly licensed to conceal carry a firearm on to state military bases. They could do this before, but it was at the discretion of the Adjutant General. Now it is law.

HB 6024 – Died This bill would have allowed veterans who qualify for the property tax exemption to submit there VA designation letter one time instead of annually. It passed the House and the Senate committee but did not receive a floor vote.

HB 4785 and HB 4786 – Died The bills would have offered pet owners to give ten dollars to a fund to support grants to veterans in need of a service dog. 

SB 1040 - PASSED expand historical vehicles to include Military vehicles.

These bills were on our watch list for lame duck.

The following bills PASSED
HB 4319, 6063, and 6403

During this legislative session the following bills became law and had the term veteran in the bill, if you would like to look up these bills or any other bills go to

HB 4168, 4628, 4701, 4918, 5536, 5995
SB 248, 434, 438

Mark Sutton
Public Relations and Legislative Director
Michigan American Legion
517-371-4720 ext. 16
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